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Some Whacky Wizards

I am thinking about doing a comic about these guys who I created last night. They live in a cave and they all have their own special powers, which combine together to make them indestructible.
My Whacky Wizards

Last night I drew these Whacky Wizards. I am thinking about doing a comic about them - They live in a cave and they all have their own special powers, which combine together to make them indestructible. From left to right, here is a bit about each guy:

1) Sir Windison (aka Windy): Can conjure up wind at a moments notice, which is important for cooling down on hot days, helping to spread flower and plant seeds around and blowing away enemies when needed. It's a bit gross too, because he also creates his own wind very often, if you know what I mean...

2) Dr Down Pour (aka DP): With the ability to successfully rain dance, DP is the member of this group who can always make sure that there is enough clean and fresh water available. His friends also enjoy watching him perform his dramatic rain dances.

3) Prof. Jalapeño (aka Dr Pepper): Is able to create warmth when it is cold, and fire for him and his friends to cook delicious food and toasted marshmallows (their favourite treat).

4) Sir Land-Down (aka Crumble): A bit of a hippy really. Crumble is the only vegetarian of the five, and he makes delicious plant-based meals such as grilled cauliflower steaks and cheesy pasta.

5) Prof. Darky (aka Nighty): Without Nighty, none of the Whacky Wizards would ever get any sleep. Nighty has the ability to easily cast a spell which sends his friends off to a relaxing sleep every night. Sometimes he combines his spell with a story and a warm glass of milk for his friends, which they say give them the most restful sleep ever!


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